Calculations in Workflows

Enhance your HubSpot workflows and surpass Hubspot's limitations: perform simple to advanced math calculations, and accurately determine days between dates, streamlining data analysis and decision-making.

Simplify data integration between your job management and CRM platforms.

Integrate AroFlo & HubSpot!

We developed this integration to enable businesses to leverage HubSpot's strengths in sales, marketing, reporting, and revenue management with AroFlo's data, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and turn clients into dedicated, long-term customers.

What it does

simple maths

Simple maths

Perform simple math calculations. Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.

advanced calculations

Advanced maths

Create custom complex calculations using constant or dynamic numbers.

Record properties

Use record properties

Use contact, deals, company, ticket or custom object tokens to calculate exactly what you need.


Use dates

Calculate the time between 2 dates, either constant or from any object

How to get started


Select a Plan

Select a plan below and activate the app. Want a discount on our plans? Send us a message!


Go to any workflow

Add the 'Calculations' action to any of your workflows. You can even add the same action multiple times in the same workflow!


Build your calculation

Build your calculation in the workflow action. Not sure what to do? Use our support page to find answers.

Works work all workflow types

This app enables you to calculate just about anything, on any sort type of workflow:

  • Contact
  • Company
  • Deal
  • Custom object
  • Quote
  • Lead
  • Ticket
Meet our leaders

We appreciate your feedback


Roelof Bekkenenks


Patrícia Ribeiro


Cameron Rogers


Pricing options

per month
  • Supercharge your workflows
  • Straightforward monthly rate
  • Simple to use
  • No code workflow action
  • Free app updates
  • Cancel anytime
per year
  • Pay yearly and save 20%
  • Supercharge your workflows
  • Straightforward monthly rate
  • Simple to use
  • No code workflow action
  • Free app updates
  • Cancel anytime

Pricing options


14-day free trial

  • AroFlo to HubSpot Sync
  • Straightforward monthly rate
  • Standard field mapping
  • Dedicated support
  • Free app updates
  • Cancel anytime

14-day free trial

  • Pay yearly and save 20%
  • AroFlo to HubSpot Sync
  • Straightforward monthly rate
  • Standard field mapping
  • Dedicated support
  • Free app updates
  • Cancel anytime
From $300

14-day free trial

  • Custom field mapping
  • Two-way sync between HubSpot and AroFlo
  • Straightforward monthly rate
  • Standard field mapping
  • Dedicated support
  • Free app updates
  • Cancel anytime
Meet our leaders

We test the limits of creativity every single day to meet demanding minds.

Supercharge your workflows now

Fill out the form and a member of the team will contact you to get you started.

If you want a discount, please let us know here!