Case Study: Solar Energy Company (NDA client)

HubSpot servicing & Salesforce integration

A comprehensive HubSpot servicing solution and custom integration with Salesforce

Problem Statement

The client turned to T&H Digital in need of a reliable associate to oversee their HubSpot operations. Confronted with a lack of internal proficiency and a comprehensive understanding of the platform, they acknowledged the necessity for specialist strategic counsel as well as practical application. Confident in T&H Digital's capability, they selected us to bolster their continued growth and optimise their use of HubSpot.


We've established a fluid workflow that syncs perfectly with their marketing team, allowing us to work together closely on everything HubSpot. With regular weekly check-ins, a well-defined roadmap, and effective communication, T&H Digital has become an integral part of the client’s marketing operations.

Regular weekly check-ins

A well-defined roadmap

Effective communication,


Services Provided

HubSpot Audit
We conducted a thorough examination of the client's HubSpot account, delving into reports, workflows, lists, among other features, to swiftly bring ourselves up to date. This allowed us to apply our expertise effectively to their HubSpot setup.
Data consolidation and architecture

We discovered a variety of redundant properties and a fragmented data structure spanning several HubSpot objects, including contacts, deals, and companies. We then offered expert recommendations, streamlined the data and properties, and set up essential workflows and best practices to achieve uniformity in data across the HubSpot platform.

Marketing Contacts work
We assisted the client in regulating their volume of marketing contacts in HubSpot, ensuring they remained within their allocated contact tier. Following an in-depth data analysis, we determined the criteria for inclusion and exclusion within their marketing contacts. Subsequently, we executed the requisite workflows to enforce these criteria.
Workflow streamlining & updates
We analysed all their workflows, from those driving marketing automation to those handling data processing, and carried out enhancements throughout.
Reporting updates
We work with this client to maintain existing reports and create new reports following updates we make in HubSpot.

HubSpot to Salesforce Custom Integration


We developed a bespoke integration linking the client's HubSpot account with their partner’s Salesforce system. This tailored solution is designed to transfer leads directly to Salesforce, harnessing the data residing in HubSpot and adhering to specific parameters established within a HubSpot workflow. The integration was carefully crafted to ensure a smooth and automated transition of lead information between the two platforms.


This integration significantly enhances the client's relationship with their partner by providing a stream of pertinent leads in real-time. By ensuring that the leads are not only timely but also highly relevant, our client can offer more value to their partner. This real-time sharing of information not only fosters a stronger partnership but also optimizes the lead handling process, paving the way for improved sales efficiency and potential revenue growth.

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